Saturday, 22 February 2025

Spacesuit ...

This winter marks my ninth since moving to the South Shore and without any doubt whatsoever, they have all been far more enjoyable than any I had during my lost years in Southern Ontario.

I find that winter beach wanders are far better than any other time of the year, in particular on days like today, when the sky is blue and completely clear, the sunshine is almost blinding and the wind is light. It is so nice to be wrapped up in my spacesuit (for the uninformed that’s my winter coat) to walk the beach in the freshness of winter.

With this afternoons perfect conditions, I had a great wander on Crescent Beach, then extended it onto Bush Island. While on the beach, I was very surprised to see a Piping Plover running along the shallows. Normally they are only seen on this beach or in fact anywhere locally during late August and September. After which they head south to the Gulf Coast of the US and Mexico, southern Atlantic US coast, and the Caribbean including the Bahamas and Cuba. So, I have no idea what this guy was doing here in February, but he looked just as happy as I was to be on the beach.